Cypos Gold Medal 第80回日本医学放射線学会総会 2021年4月15 - 18日
藤崎陽介、福倉良彦、熊谷雄一、内匠浩二、長野広明、中條正典、吉浦 敬
Detection of small PDAC with dual-layer spectral CT : Value of adding virtual monoenergetic imaging to conventional polyenergetic imaging
Cum Laude Award RSNA November 29 - December 4, 2020. Chicago, USA
Takumi K, Nagano H, Fukukura Y, Kumagae Y, Nakajo, Kamimura K, Kawashima Y, Indo H, Yoshiura T:
Imaging features of drug-associated changes in the head and neck
会長賞 第79回日本医学放射線学会総会.2020年5月15日-6月5日.WEB開催.
熊谷雄一,福倉良彦,内匠浩二,長野広明,岩永 崇,大塚洋和,藤崎陽介,今井 広,吉浦 敬:
Feasibility of diffusion-weighted MRI with oscillating gradient spin echo (OGSE) for differentiation between normal tissues and uterine malignant lesions.
BEST50 日本放射線腫瘍学会第33回学術大会.2020年10月1日-3日.WEB開催.
吉浦 敬:
Advanced MR Imaging of Brain Tumors
Manisha Bohara :
Histological Grade of Meningioma: Prediction by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Histogram Parameters
ベストプレゼンター賞 第284回九州神経放射線研究会 2020年2月22日 福岡市
中條正典,上村清央,米山知秀,吉浦 敬:
Certification of merit award, RSNA. December 1-6, 2019. Chicago, USA
Takumi K, Arasa AC, Rai A, Ito K, Fujima N, Bedi H, Sakai O:
Non-primary head and neck lesions: imaging feature of metastasis to head and neck and differential diagnosis
Certification of merit award
Kamimura K, Yoshiura T, Nakajo M, Takumi K, Kumagae Y, Fukukura Y, Yoneyama T.
APT Imaging of Tumors: Theory, Clinical applications, Pitfalls and Future directions.
RSNA. Chicago, USA, Nov 26-Dec 1, 2017.
Dexamethasone suppression FDG PET/CT for differentiating between true- and false-positive pulmonary and mediastinal lymph node metastases in non-small cell lung cancer: A pilot study of FDG PET/CT after oral administration of dexamethasone.
Radiology 279(1);246-253, 2016
第75回日本放射線学会総会Cyposs シルバー賞
Chemoradiation therapy for pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients: correlation between semiquantitative contrast-enhanced CT and overall survival.
第44回日本磁気共鳴医学会大会 ポスター優秀賞
Feasibility of diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) as a tool for differentiation between benign and malignant uterine lesions.
Primary sellar neuroblastomaの一例
第43回日本磁気共鳴医学会 Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Distinguished Reviewers賞
吉浦 敬